What is copytrading? A relatively new concept, copytrading allows those without in depth knowledge of Forex or commodities trading (Gold/Oil etc) to automatically copy the trades of more experienced traders, and profit from their ability to ‘predict’* market movements. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Forex Trading
Basics Of Choosing Traders To Copy Using ZuluTrade
Choosing traders to copy on Zulutrade and indeed any other copy trading platform is often portrayed as being a simple process. The process itself can be very simple, the key however, is choosing traders that suit your risk appetite and expectations of return on your investment. Continue reading
What Is CopyTrader?
Lately I’ve noticed people searching the net asking exactly what CopyTrader is, so I thought I’d do my best to give a succinct description of the forex trading platform and what it does, providing the most relevant details to give the new user a clear picture. Here goes… Continue reading
Etoro CopyTrader Review
eToro’s CopyTrader is used by thousands of its OpenBook traders, you can see that by looking at the ‘copier’ stats for individual traders listed in the OpenBook rankings. eToro are obviously doing something right, but how ‘right’ are they? What are the Forex Trading system’s strengths and weaknesses? Continue reading